We help people create balance nutritionally and holistically.

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Hi! I’m Elyce and I’m a non-diet Health-At-Every Size (HAES) Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist.

(kind of a mouthful, I know!)

My Credentials, Education, & Memberships

Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS)

Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist (LDN)

MS, Nutrition & Integrative Health - MUIH

BS, Consumer Science - University of Wisconsin, Madison


  • American Nutrition Association (ANA)

  • Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH)

  • Weight-Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics (WIND)

My Story

  • I take an integrative Health at Every Size (HAES) approach to nutrition and wellness. My goal is to help you establish a healthy relationship with food and your body, along with creating balance in your life, overall. You are so much more than just your symptoms!

  • I suffered a trauma a number of years ago which led to both GI issues and mental health issues (PTSD and anxiety being the main ones). I spent many years going the conventional route to resolve my GI issues and tried endless pharmaceutical interventions -none of which helped; some of which made things worse.

  • My therapist helped me understand how important (and necessary) it is to be your own health advocate, the importance of self-care, and balance, along with encouraging me to try some holistic practices (which aligned with my heart!) such as acupuncture, yoga therapy, mindfulness, and adult coloring (to name a few). I experienced stronger and more effective improved clinical outcomes - mentally and physically - versus the conventional experiences. (That’s a mandala I colored to the right - adult coloring is one of my favorite forms of self-care and relaxation!)

  • This sparked further research and education (self-led) within the integrative nutrition field. I learned about the gut microbiome and its impact on mental health; I sought out to balance my gut and in doing so, found my path to healing - both physically and mentally.

  • This life-changing experience made me realize that while I was on a promising path forward in my corporate career, it wasn’t fulfilling and didn’t speak to what felt right in my heart - or my gut ;). I knew then what I really wanted to do - help guide and support others through their health struggles - by becoming their advocate, trusted practitioner, and partner. That meant - time to quit my job and go back to school!

  • Helping people has always been a passion of mine, along with food, and I have finally found the best way to meld those two together (like chocolate and peanut butter!). After earning my Masters in Nutrition & Integrative Health, board certification (CNS), and licensure (LDN), I’m humbled and honored to help you find your own path to healing and could not be more grateful for this opportunity!


My Principles & Beliefs: As a Practitioner and a Basic Human

Did you know that your gut is your second brain?

This gives balancing your gut the ability to restore balance to other areas of your life.

Through balancing your gut microbiome via diet, supplements, and incorporating general wellness practices, we help those looking to reduce GI issues, stress, anxiety, and other physical and mental concerns.

Our goal is to use nutrition and wellness as a way to improve your overall quality of life.